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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1991;29(3):71-83.
논문편 : 거동불편 노인의 가족관계와 의 , 식생활에 관한 연구 - ( 제2보 ) 거동 불편 노인의 가족 관계 및 지지 (支持) 실태 연구 -
대구대학교 가정관리학과
Studies on Family Caregiving, Clothing and Nutrition of Disabled Elderly -(Part 2) Family Relationship and Caregiving of Disabled Elderly-
This study examines a pattern of family caregiving and its effect on life satisfaction of disabled elderly people. Data were gathered through the use of face-to-face interview method from a sample of 135 elderly aged over 60. One-third of the elderly respondents have no family caregiver. Most of caregivers provide routine household chores and physical help, but persnal care such as bathing and changing clothes was taken by elderly people themselves. The caregiver in an elderly couple is most likely the wife. When a spouse is unavailable, daughters-in law usually assume the role of a primary caregiver. Sex difference has been found in the most comfortable caregiver for the elderly. The most comfortable caregiver for the elderly men is shown to be their spouse, whereas the one for the elderly women is show to be their daughter-in-law. Most of the disabled elderly are emotionally dependent on their son(usually their eldest son), but physically dependent on their spouse, daughter-in-law, or daughter. The caregivers are dominated by women. Among those elderly receiving care from their children, the relationship between the aged their caregiver is found to be closer than the past when the aged were healthy: however, this relationship is found to be almost the same as the past among those elderly receiving care from their spouse. Finally, the degree of family solidarity, satisfaction with received cares, and the relationship with caregivers are found to be closely related to life satisfaction of the elderly respondents.
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