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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1986;24(2):93-112.
논문편 : 도시가정의 소형 전기기구의 구매와 사용관리에 관한 연구 - 전기밥솥 , 전기 프라이 팬 , 토우스터 , 블렌더를 중심으로 -
이정우 , 이정숙
A study on purchase and use management of small electric appliances in the urban household. -Mainly Automatic Rice Cooker, Electric Frypan, Toaster and Blender-
Jung Woo Lee , Jung Sook Lee
The purpose of this study is to clarify which some factors among the socio-demographic factors have effect on the housewives behavior on how to buy small electric appliances and how to use them. The questionnaires were distributed in July 1985 to 491 housewives in Seoul. Satistical methods as percentage, frequency, arithmetic mean, chi-square test, t-test and F-test were used for data analysis. RESULTS : 1) The average rate of possessing the automatic rice cooker is 87.8%, the electric frypan is 81.0%, the toaster is 36.9% and the blender is 86.9%. 2. Generally the frequency of use were low. 3) Generally their knowledge on small electric appliances is low. 4) The ability of management in blender was influenced by age, education and in automatic rice cooker was influenced by only education.
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