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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):153-167.
논문편 : 부모의 양육태도와 아동의 심리 , 사회적 특성에 관한 한 , 일 비교연구
A comparative study of the rearing attitudes of parents and psychosociogenic aspects of their children's personalities between Korean and Japan
Sang Ook Hong
This paper is aimed at comparing the attitudes of parents and the psycho-sociogenic aspects of the children of Korean and Japan. The data for the analysis were derived from questionnaires administered to the 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade children in Korean and Japan. The questionnaires were designed to survey children's perception of their parents'child-rearing and the psycho-sociogenic aspects of the children's personality in Korea and Japan. The child-parent relationships identified by the children were measured by the items indicating the degree and the extent to which they felt their parents' dissatisfaction, complaints, strictness, expectation, interference, worry, indulgence, blind obedience, contradiction and disagreement. The psycho-sociogenic aspects of the children's personalities were measured by the items indicating the degree and extent of how they felt about their own sociablility, independence, aggressiveness, extent of how they felt about their own sociability, independencem aggressiveness, participation in groups. Spontaneity, self-control and public spirit.
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