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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):123-141.
논문편 : 아파트 실내장식물 디자인 특성의 실태 및 선호에 관한 연구 Ⅰ - 강동구 잠실지역 아파트를 중심으로 -
이연숙 , 신화경
Present and preferred design characteristics of major interior furnishings in the Gamsil apartment area of Gangdong-Ku -on the focus of sofa and tea table, curtain, and carpet-
Yeun Sook Lee , Hwa Kyung Shin
The purposes of this study were 1)to examine the present and the preferred design characteristics of major interior furnishings in the Gamsil apartment area of Gangdong-Ku and to investigate the relationship between those characteristics and residents' socioeconomic and their physical housing characteristics, 2) to determine the past and the future factor structures for attributes of the major furnishing, and , 3) to examine the change between the degree of the past and the future consideration on each of the attributes. The data for the study were collected using self-administered questionnaire. Households in Gamsil apartment area of Gangdong-Ku were the population. A proportional stratified systematic random sampling was employed. 480 questionnaires were distributed and 258 were collected. Among them, SAS package. The staticstics used were frequency, percentage, χsup 2-test, factor analysis, and paired t-test.
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