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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(4):19-31.
논문편 : 국민학교 아동의 착의량에 관한 위생학적 연구
박순자 , 최정화 , 이양후 , 황목면
A study on clothing weights of elementary school children in a hygienic perspective
Soon Ja Park , Jeong Wa Choi , Yang Hoo Lee , Tsutomu Araki
This study was designed to find out clothing weights and clothing practice of elementary school children and their mothers and to investigate the correlation between clothing weights of the children and those of their mothers and to investigate the correlation between clothing weights and physical fitness of the children. RESULTS : 1. Total clothing weight of elementary school children was heavier than that of their mothers. 2. The results analyzed by sex and age of the children were as follows. Correlation was little recognized between lowerwear, underwear weights of the 6 year old girls and underwear weight of their mothers and between upperwear weight of 10 year old girls and underwear weight of their mothers. 3. In case of the children who made a clothing decision with their mothersm, correlation was recognized between total clothing weight of the children and total clothing, underwear, lowerwear weights of their mothers, and between upperwear weight of the children and upperwear weight of the children and upperwear, total clothing, underwear and outerwear weights of their mothers, and between outerwear weight of the children and lowerwear weight of their mothers. 4. Physical fitness had partly a negative correlation with the clothing weights in case of the boys, while not the girls. As a reslult, clothing weights of elementary school children were related to thermal sensation of their mothers.
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