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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1985;23(1):25-31.
논문편 : 북어의 아미노산 , 지방산 , 무기질 함량 및 조리시간별 무기질 함량 변화에 대하여
Free amino acid, fatty acid composition and mineral content in dried alaska pollack and the changes of mineral content according to cooking time
Eun Jung Joo
This study designed not only to elucidate free amino acid, fatty acid composition and mineral content in dried alaska pollack but also to examine calcium, magnesium, poassium and sodium contents in its cooking broth according to each boiling time such as 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes. RESULTS : 1. Glutamic acid in dried alaska pollack was the most abundant free amino acid and was followed in order of aspartic acid, lysin, leucine and histidine. They composed of 50.95% of the total amino acid contents. 2. In dried alaska pollack the most abundant fatty acid was palmitic acid. Essential fatty acid content was 26.57% of the total fatty acid. 3. The calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium contents in dried alaska pollack showed 10.721 mg%, 9.235mg%, 4072.5mg% and 2299.8% respectively. The amount of magnesium and potassium in cooking broth arrived at the highest level when 20 minute boiling was undertaken and the quantities of magnesium and sodium were the highest when 30 minute boiling was made.
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