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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 49(2); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2011;49(2):37-49. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2011.49.2.037
A Study of Event-Related Brain Potentials in Children's Korean Sentence Comprehension
Inhwa Choi1, Soon Hyung Yi2
1Graduate School of Social Welfare, Myongji University
2Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University
Corresponding Author: Soon Hyung Yi ,Tel: +82-2-880-6826, Fax: +82-2-873-8517, Email: ysh@snu.ac.kr
Received: April 30, 2010; Revised: May 7, 2010   Accepted: December 4, 2010.
The present study investigated the semantic and syntactic processes in Korean children's sentence comprehension by measuring event-related brain potentials(ERPs). The subjects were 18 right-handed, healthy native Korean children(1st graders), who were free from any hearing problems. While the children listened to the auditory sentence stimuli, ERPs were recorded with the electrodes mounted in a 'Quik-Cap' on the subject's head. The ERP data were recorded and analyzed using the NeuroScan 4.3 and EEGLABv6.03b programs. For statistical analyses, descriptive statistics, three-way repeated measures ANOVA, and t-tests were performed using a SPSS 15.0 PC program. The results indicated that semantic violations elicited a negativity (N400) ranging from 300 to 500 msec. For syntactic violations, children displayed a positivity (P600) ranging from 900 to 1,100 msec. The discovery of N400 and P600 in semantic and syntactic processes respectively, confirmed the suggestion that Indo-European and Korean languages share a common mechanism for sentence comprehension.
Keywords: sentence comprehension, event-related brain potentials, semantic process, syntactic process
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