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J. Korean Home Econ. Assoc > Volume 48(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2010;48(1):55-66. doi: https://doi.org/10.6115/khea.2010.48.1.055
Analysis of Variables Affecting Young Children's Relational and External Aggression
Yeon Kim
Department of Early Childhood Education, Hoseo University
Corresponding Author: Yeon Kim ,Tel: +82-16-355-4074 , Email: kyeon802@hanmail.net
Received: August 31, 2009; Revised: September 2, 2009   Accepted: October 29, 2009.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of variables on young children's external aggression and relational aggression. Specifically, young children's temperaments and gender differences, parental marital conflicts, fathers' anti-social behaviors, mothers' child-rearing behaviors and psychological characteristics were studied. The findings of the study were as follows: Firstly, it was found that male children exhibited a higher level of external aggression than female children, while there was no significant difference between male and female children in terms of relational aggression. Secondly, analysis of variables such as children's temperaments and domestic environments revealed that fathers' anti-social behaviors, the adaptability of young children's temperaments and mothers' depression tendency have significant explanatory adequacies for young children's relational aggression. Furthermore, gender difference adaptability, activity and emotionality of young children's temperaments, in addition to parental marital conflicts, also have significant explanatory adequacies for young children's external aggression.
Keywords: relational aggression, external aggression, gender differences, young children`s temperament
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