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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2009;47(1):45-54.
일제강점기 가정박람회에 나타난 이상주거
양세화, 류현주, 은난순
Ideal Housing in the Home Exposition Under the Japanese Colonial Rule
Se-Hwa Yang, Ryu, Hyun-Joo, Eun, Nan-Soon
Department of Housing & Interior Design, University of Ulsan, Department of Housing & Interior Design, University of Ulsan
Korea Center for Housing Research
The purpose of the study is to examine the characteristics of the ideal housing for the modern family suggested by the Home Exposition (September, 1915) under the Japanese colonial rule in the macroscopic context of social change and the microscopic context of family. Through this research, we expect to have a partial understanding not only of changes in the outward appearance of traditional housing spaces during the civilization period and the early Japanese colonial rule when foreign cultures began to be introduced but also of families'residential lives and the patterns of change in people's consciousness of housing. Major conclusions from the current analysis are as follows. First, there were some changes in family paradigm induced through a home exhibition. Second, the most important factor for an ideal housing was that it must be the source of harmonic and healthy family life. Third, the importance of an appropriate space norm should be emphasized by providing the minimum size of each room. Fourth, the significance of the housing values of the economy, convenience, and hygiene should be emphasized for the ideal housing. Lastly, it was implied that for an ideal housing, the social and psychological aspects of housing must be satisfied along with the physical aspects. The limitation was that the model of ideal family housing presented in the Home Exposition cannot exclude the characteristics of the colonial perspectives in that it was followed by the model for the Japanese families.
Keywords: 일제강점기, Japanese colonial rule, 가정박람회, Home Exposition, 근대화, modernization, 이상주거, ideal housing
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