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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(10):179-190.
입체재단에 의한 Plus size 여성의 토루소 원형개발에 관한 연구
A Study on the Torso Pattern for Plus-sized Women by Draping
Chung-Eun Yang, Jang, Ji-Hae
Dept. of Fashion Design, Sejong University, Dept. of Fashion Design, Sungkyunkwan University
The purpose of this study was to apply the three dimensional Replica method to the fabrication of dress forms of plus-sized women to attain proper ease through draping and based on the ease to develop good torso patterns with superior fit. The results were as follows. The physical characteristics of the dress forms of plus-sized women were divided into two: Types I and 11. The proper ease was calculated through draping using dummies of each somatotype and appropriate torso patterns were developed. The differences of the types for each pattern were as follows. The bust girth ease of Type II was 6cm as for Type I. As for the bust breadth 1.0cm was added to the anterior chest width, the armpit width was the actual measurement plus 0.5cm, and the back breadth was the posterior chest width plus 2.5cm. The bust breadth was smaller and the back breadth was bigger that those of Type I after improving the bust and back fit. The bust of Type I protrudes outwards relatively and so the shoulder dart of front-side of Type I was 1.2cm bigger than that of Type II which improved the bust region fit. Considering the characteristics of the protruding abdominal region the front- side waistline of type II was assigned W/4+3.5cm and the back-side waistline W/4cm, so that the sidelines divided the front and back properly. It was drafted so that the center-front became diagonal, thereby improving the middle-hip girth fit.
Keywords: 플러스사이즈여성, Plus size women, 토루소패턴, Torso pattern, 드레이핑, Draping
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