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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(6):13-21.
환자복의 디자인과 개선점에 관한 연구
A Study on Clothing for Patients
Clothing for hospitalized patients is very important because they wear it while they suffer from various kinds of pain and treatments. Therefore, the clothing for patients has to be comfortable and functional as well as well designed. Also correct sizes, suitable materials and convenient fastening devices are features to be considered for proper patient's clothing. However the currently used patient's clothing is provided without sufficient considerations for patient's needs, and is more concerned with price competitiveness. The purpose of this survey was to find out which design and functional features of patient's clothing are favored by patients, doctors and nurses. The results will be useful to develop improved patient's clothing. Based on the results, the following suggestions for improved patient's clothing are made. 1. Gender differentiation and a greater variety of size codes are required for better fit. 2. Depending on various treatments, different functional design features have to be applied. 3. Aesthetic needs should be satisfied for the psychological comfort of patients. 4. Materials should be selected considering required physical properties such as washing duration, dimensional stability and contaminant prevention.
Keywords: 환자복, clothing for patients, 기능성, Functionality, 착용감, comfort, 사이즈, size, 환자복형태, design
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