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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):85-100.
어머니의 신념 및 양육행동이 유아의 공격,위축행동에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Maternal Beliefs and Childrearing Behavior on the Preschoolers' Aggressive and Social Withdrawal Behavior
김미해, 옥경희, 천희영
구미1대학 유아교육과,광주대학교 사회복지학부,고신대학교 아동학과
Maternal beliefs about preschoolers' displays of aggression and social withdrawal and the extent to which their strategies for dealing with these behaviors can be predicted from beliefs were examined. And the extent to which maternal childrearing behavior and preschoolers' social problematic behaviors can be predicted from beliefs. 202 mothers of 5-year-old(114 boys; 88 girls) were presented with descriptions of hypothetical incidents of peer-directed aggression and social withdrawal. Maternal beliefs were different according to kinds of problematic behaviors. Thus most mothers attributed preschoolers' aggression to situational factors, social withdrawal to disposition. Mothers felt embarrassed about aggression and concerned about social withdrawal. The power assertive strategies were more used for dealing with aggression than social withdrawal. The choice of strategies for dealing with these behaviors and maternal childrearing behavior were related to maternal beliefs. Also preschoolers' social problematic behaviors were effected from maternal beliefs and childrearing behavior.
Keywords: 어머니 신념, maternal beliefs, 귀인, attribution, 정서적 반응, emotional reaction, 사회적 전략, strategy
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