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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):45-56.
판촉지향성에 따른 의류상품 쇼핑관련행동과 판촉이용행동
Analyzing Consumer Behavioral Characteristics with Sales Promotion Orientation: Differences in Shopping and Promotion Usage Behaviors
이영미, 박경애
영남대학교 섬유패션학부
The purpose of this study was to segment consumers based on sales promotion orientation and examine the differences between the consumer segments on shopping behaviors and promotion usage behaviors. A total of 462 responses collected from a questionnaire survey to subjects aged over 20s were analyzed. Cluster analysis on sales promotion orientation identified four groups including rational group(21%), active group(28%), insensitive group(22.1%), and interest group(28.9%) of sales promotion. ANOVA revealed significant differences among the four groups on shopping behaviors(information seeking, store visit, and clothing purchase) and promotion usage behaviors(the usage level of sales promotion, impulse buying, brand switching, and store switching). The active and interest groups were more actively seeking information than the other two groups were. The active group was most affected by sales promotion showing the highest impulse buying and brand and store switching behaviors, and the interest group was most active on store visit and clothing purchase. The insensitive group was the least engaged in all the behaviors.
Keywords: 판매촉진, sales promotion, 판촉지향성, sales promotion orientation, 쇼핑행동, shopping behaviors, 판촉이용행동, promotion usage
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