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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(4):35-43.
전남 여수시 주부들의 김치 제조실태, 준비하는 부식 가짓수 및 아침식사형태에 관한 조사 연구
A Study on the Status of Kimchi Preparation, Number of Side Dish and Breakfast Type of Housewives in the Yosu.Chonnam Area
정복미, 안창범, 승정자
여수대학교 식품영양학전공,여수대학교 식품영양학전공,숙명여자대학교 식품영양학전공
This study was carried out to examine the status of Kimchi preparation, number of side dish and breakfast type of some houses in Yosu, Chonnam area. The survey was conducted from October to November, 2000 using a questionnaire. The results are as follows. The majority of monthly income of household was 1∼2 million won (50.1%). The highest family composition os couple and children with 75.6% and the highest number of family member was 3∼4 with 57.0%. The highest type of housing was an apartment with 67.1% while its ownership was, the highest in self-own with 69.9%. The 65.6% of respondants prepared Kimchi at home and the next was from the parent's home. The numbers of side dishes except Kimchi for each meal were 3∼4(63.2%). The major food of breakfast was boiled rice(86.7%). With decreasing age and family numbers and increasing level of education and income, the percent of boiled rice was lower whereas the percent of bread was higher.
Keywords: 여수, Yosu, 아침식사 형태, breakfast type, 반찬, side dish, 김치, Kimchi
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A Study on the Nutritional Knowledge, Attitudes, and Dietary Patterns of Housewives in Seoul  1990 June;28(2)
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