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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):257-262.
논문편 : 직물접착심지에 관한 연구 (3)
영남대학교 가정대학 의류학과
A Study on Fabric Adhesive Interlining(3)
In this thesis considering the problems shown in the usage of interlining of clothes and in the process of sewing the breaking away strength which is meant by adhesion is analysed by experimennt in which Polyamide content is dealed with at the 5 level to raise the adhesive strength by using the one-sided non woven adhesive interlining made in this country as the samples. After examing the optimum in the process of Cotton and polyester fabrics and adhered fabrics practical for blouse and jacket and analysing the breaking away strength the wanted property of matter and the change with the repeated laundry We reach at the following results. 1. The adhesive strength of the two adhered fabrics were strongly appeared in order of cotton>polyester. 2. The order of the breaking away strength by the interlinings of adhesive fabrics was A5> A4> A3> A2> A1. 3. The breaking away strength of the two adhered fabrics was weakened by the repeated laundry and the breaking away phenomena were fewer under the most suitable conditions than the various conditions.
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