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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1997;35(1):221-236.
논문편 : CAI 와 토론 학습을 연계한 가정과 교수 - 학습 모형 개발 - 「 청소년과 성 」 단원을 중심으로 -
이화여자대학교 교육대학원 가정교육과
A Study on the Development of Teaching - learning Module in home Economics Facilitation CAI and Group Discussion
Koreans who put a high value on confucian ethics traditionally have considered sex problems as taboo. Being faced with western liberal and hedonic culture that comes with waves of industrialization our younger generation who has grown in cultural backgrounds of confucianism has had mental confusion. Due to higher standards of living physical growth has quickened but mental growth has not reached there instead. Because of lureand trouble which come from this problem related with sex this is considered as a social problem. In this research through judgement which the most effective way that can solve adolescence sex problems is systematic sex education teaching method for desirable sex education is presented asfollowing First some supplement and desirable direction of sex education were proposed through the analysis of eight currently using home economics texbooks. A lesson plan was proposed using CAI program which was developed by authors with assistance of professional computer programmers. The CAI program includes following curriculum contents: 1concepts of sex This study ultimately aimed to let students develop desirable attitude and perspective on value regarding adolescence and sex, For this goal of research another lesson plan was proposed fostering classroom group discussion.
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